SECTION 4: Declaring Your Purpose: Revealing Your Why, How & What
Your purpose is a calling from Our Creator, Your Father, that you are expected to actualize and lead. Therefore, in the process of discovering and unleashing the purpose for your life, you become a leader.
Being a leader is not about the role or position that you may hold professionally, in your community, or even in your family. Rather, being a leader is about one’s ability to acknowledge the responsibility that you have to share your unique skills and talents through your purpose to your generation for the generations to come.
Thus, as a leader, you will often be expected to communicate, persuade, and influence others. You will be expected on many occasions to offer people guidance and direction through a corporate vision by sharing the why, how, and what of your collective goal(s.)
Remember, no man is an island. Your purpose will require the participation and buy-in of others to be fulfilled. Therefore, even though you possess an individual purpose, your personal purpose has a corporate end and benefit.
The activity for this unit is for you to develop a draft of your Purpose Statement Presentation.
All the best! We know you are more than equipped to make this happen. All you need is already on the inside of you.
Module 4 Activity
PART ONE: Drafting Your Purpose Statement
[Due: Monday, December 9 , 2024 | Midnight - Your Timezone]
In this activity, you will be drafting a slide deck presentation to declare your purpose. This activity requires you to communicate, persuade, and influence (motivate) your colleagues through your declaration of personal purpose. In our live class, you will have the opportunity to present your Declaration of Purpose Presentation to the class. Each person will have 5 minutes to present.
The guidelines below will help you with developing your presentation. When you have developed your Purpose Declaration/Statement, we encourage you to place it somewhere visible (save it as your screensaver/background or print it out and post)
Activity Guidelines:
Choose your presentation platform (you can use Google Slides, Prezi or PowerPoint)
Use the reflection questions and answers from the section above to populate your slides/content.
Prepare at least 5 slides: You are able to add additional slides and even innovative on the order, the content below represents the required slides for grading)
Please note: you have 5 minutes to complete this presentation. Therefore, whatever elements you use and add, must fit into this 5 minute time frame.
Slide One: Cover Slide
Include your name, date, course title, course coach & assistant name & Cohort (You are cohort one)
Slide Two: Elevator Pitch (30 sec - 1 min)
Include your pitch sentence.
“I help X, achieve Y by doing Z”
X= Audience
Y= Value
Z= How
Slide Three: Tell Your Story
Remember the Golden Circle (1 min)
Start with a Problem (Your Why)
Share a Solution (Your How)
Offer your unique value proposition (Your What)
Slide Four: Personal ‘Baseball Card’ (2 min)
Gifts & Strengths v Watch- Out Fors
In a table list your gifts & strengths v. What you/teammates need to watch out for (weakness/growth edges)
Opportunities v Pitfalls & Promises
In a table list your opportunities (ways you can leverage your gifts & strengths and passions, etc) v. Pitfalls & Promises (Pitfalls those thoughts, fears, worries or distractions to your purpose) offer a corresponding promise of God or benefit of Purpose
Slide Five: Purpose Statement Declaration (1 min 30 sec)
Purpose Declaration Statement
“As a purpose-driven W, I have been called to X to (help) achieve Y by doing Z
W= Theme/Profession ie. “Education Entrepreneur”
X= your why & cohort/types of people for your donation
Z= Value Proposition/ What