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SECTION 1: Characteristics of Purpose

As you know, you possess God-Given qualities and characteristics that are a part of your natural makeup and your preexisting personality, from before you were formed in your mother's womb. You may recall that what you need is already built into you. You merely have to recognize, activate and by faith call into existence all that is already on the inside of you. These intrinsic attributes serve as a guidepost, leading you to your life's purpose. When The Creator breathed life into the nostrils of mankind during creation, he imbued human beings with his “image & likeness” which are his characteristics. 

One of those characteristics is that you can speak your reality into existence just as God did at the beginning of creation. Remember, you are a creator just as your Creator is. What reality are you speaking into your existence right now? What ideas do you have and what are you choosing to believe about yourself and your purpose right now?

As you prepare to speak over and into your life, there may be a temptation to speak many “good” things over your life. Yet, all good things are not your good things, meaning they are not the “right” thing for you. Purpose calls for doing what is right and purposeful for your life more than what is good. For example, it may be “good” to get a law degree but if that degree does not set you on the path to your purpose then it is not the “right” thing.  This is a very common misconception.  What you were born to do is more important than what you were trained to do!



  • Many people seek “good” jobs → to receive “good” pay

—instead of—-

  • The right work is what you were born to do which brings fulfillment 


A job allows us to display our skills, and we can be fired from a job. Yet, your work allows you to use your gifts, and you cannot be fired from your work. 

You are employed on a job and you have to seek employment opportunities. Yet,  you are deployed to do your work and deployment opportunities seek you.

Your Job vs Your Work

Watch Video: 1:40

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  • Reflect on “good” things you have done over the years that you are now realizing that they were not necessarily the “right” thing because they are not aligned with your Nature and/or purpose. 

  • Are you currently engaged in your work or a job? 

  • Your work engages your natural giftings, what do you believe may be your work?

The Nature of Purpose Recap .png

Employment vs Deployment

Watch Video: 2:31

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