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SECTION 4: Module 4: Your Purpose is a Plan & Donation for its People

Provisions Match the Assignment

Anything your Creator calls for, your Creator provides for. This is not only true,  it is a guarantee that you will have all the resources and capabilities necessary to fulfill your purpose. However, it is also true that your creator is not obligated to fulfill anything outside of the Creator’s purpose. In other words, Your Creator is not obligated to pay for something He did not buy! 


Therefore, the Creator will not provide for every plan you undertake. Instead, your Creator will only provide for what is divinely purposed and intentioned for your life. Your Creator will pay in full for what you are called to. Your call and purpose are  made up of several assignments and the Creator makes provisions for each and every assignment. 


Promises are Purposeful Provisions 

So far throughout these modules we have learned: 

  1. That just as the apple tree does not eat apples, our purpose is not for us (our purpose is for those we have come to serve with our unique solution) 

  2. That our purpose is not about us. It’s not our individual strength or character that is the source of our purpose. Instead our creator is our source, and our purpose merely manifests through us. 


Your plans do not, and cannot, change the Creator’s purpose.  Your Manufacturer will stick with His warranty, even if you come up with an erroneous plan that you think looks nice or makes sense. Yet, the warranty requires that you surrender your plans for your Manufacturer’s purpose. 


Therefore, the protection, security, credibility, and true value of a product are not based on how much it costs you, but the stability and structure of the manufacturer, your Manufacturer. Thus, the most important thing is the promise, because the most powerful and reliable thing is the Promiser. 


Purpose Provides a Plan (It’s Vision)


Purpose determines the final destination and vision is the plan which guides arrival at the destination. Purpose is the end toward which something exists and is predestined. When you know the desired end before you begin the journey, you are much more likely to stick with your task and stay on the prescribed path. Therefore, vision provides the impetus to act on the direction set by purpose. 


This is true because: 

  • Purpose creates vision —> 

  • Vision produces goals —> 

  • Goals permit the development of a plan —> 

  • and a plan allows for an orderly journey. 


In the absence of a clear purpose and vision, life can feel empty and death rather than purpose becomes imminent. 


The absence of a purposeful life & vision is man’s separation from The Creator, —> 

and a separation of creation from The Creator is death (even if you are breathing) 

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