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SECTION 2:  Introduction: Real People Releasing Potential

Building on the last unit and the framework on ‘Fulfilling Your Daydreams,’ unlocking your potential is not a far-fetched notion of fairy tales. 


The Creator designs your purpose → which is evidenced by your potential →  to be realized and actualized by You→ for the fulfillment of the Divine plan. 


Remember, the Creator places the purpose and potential of a thing on the inside of a thing. Therefore, your potential is hidden inside of you. Your true potential is accessible through communion with the Creator, both for the benefit of Your potential and for you! 


The discovery and fulfillment of purpose are not for a select few, but is for all of creation!  This unit has been designed to expose you to real everyday people who are realizing the potential that was divinely designed for them. Dr. Munroe famously wrote, “If you see it, you can believe it, when you believe it, you start to think about it, what you think you are!” Our goal for this unit is for you to truly believe that you can and will unlock, release and maximize  the potential that has been set in motion for your life. 


The primary focus of the first half of this unit is the Case Study on Potential, which details the journey of Mr. Mervin Stanley. We hope that you find this unit enriching and fun!


Unlocked: The Journey of Mervin Stanley to Release Potential

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