SECTION 1: Transform Your Thinking
If you can conceive it, you can do it. The fact that you can conceive it means that you can do it. Even if it has never been done. So long as you can conceive it you can do it. Likewise, if you never think about it, you can’t do it.
Your Creator allows you to think only about what you can do. If He doesn’t allow you to think it, He knows you can’t do it.
Any thinking that denies you the truth of your power in Your Creator is ignorant thinking. Anytime you tell yourself that you can’t do it, you don’t have the time, you don’t have the ability, you don’t have the right look or family that is ignorant thinking. Your thinking is most deeply influenced by your self-talk.
What have you been telling yourself? Have you been talking to yourself using God’s word? Or have you been talking to yourself from ‘your feelings?’ The truth is your feelings are often the greatest enemy of your potential. Your feelings will lie to you and tell you that you can’t and when you listen to your feelings you won’t. Your feelings will say you don’t ‘feel motivated’ so you should try tomorrow.
This doesn’t mean that your feelings won’t sometimes work in your favor, it's just that your feelings aren’t consistent, trustworthy or reliable. What is reliable is The Manufacturer’s manual/word, discipline and consistency. Your feelings will tell you that you need to be perfect to realize your potential and your dreams. The Manufacturer’s word says that you should trust Him and His grace is made perfect in your weakness.
Instead of listening to whatever your feelings decide to tell you, you now need to start talking to your feelings. Tell your feelings Your Creator’s promises and then your feelings will work to transform your thinking. Your thinking is the root of all your power. You are sitting on resources that can transform your life and unleash your potential if only you would change your thinking.
Remember The Manufacturer wants to enlarge your vision of what you have. He wants you to see the storehouses of blessing that presently surround you. Spend time reading The Creator’s Word until the Bible becomes for you a treasure of knowledge and inspiration. The bible is where you can find The Manufacturer’s thoughts, and The Manufacturer wants you to know His thoughts.
“My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways” - Isaiah 55:8
When Our Creator says our thoughts are not His thoughts, He is reminding us that ours should be like His, and with Him, and through Him, our thoughts can be more like His. Our Creator wants us to have a mind like His. He told us through the apostle Paul to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. He wants you to know and obey His will- doing what is pleasing and acceptable in His sight. (Romans 12:2)
The Manufacturer wants you to think like Him so that you can have the power to realize your potential, and transform the world around you. But to do that you need to adopt The Manufacturer’s mind and attitude toward yourself. He desires that you think about yourself the way He does.